1-2-4- All


The 1-2-4-All method is a fast idea-generating method in which all participants within a group engage. First, participants work individually, then in pairs (building on self-reflection), and then in groups of four to share and build on ideas. Finally, participants engage collectively in a powerful brainstorming session. In this method, participants combine know-how and imagination and create strategies with their own ideas. Since everyone in a group contributes, all feel ownership over the ideas generated.

Use this method to:

  • Rapidly generate a large number of ideas.
  • Make progress in a stalled discussion by engaging participants in searching for answers.
  • Enrich the quality of observations and insights before expressing them in common.
  • Build slowly toward a consensus or shared understanding.
  • Foster spontaneous conversation after presenting the main topic, as an alternative to asking: Any questions?
  • Make progress in a stalled discussion.


  • Duration: 30 min - 1 hour
  • Difficulty Level: Easy
  • Group Size: < 20
  • Level of interaction: High
  • Multilanguage fit: no
  • Preparation Time: Medium
  • Purpose: Knowledge construction,Online socialization
  • Type of Online Events: Workshop,Hackaton,Webinar

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