Role Play


The Round Robin is a method to facilitate a discussion in a fast and intense way. Guided by an expert, participants in small groups discuss specific aspects of a topic, rotating through different stations. In face-to-face or online practice, various spaces are prepared for participants to rotate. While at those stations, group members engage with a particular aspect of the topic at hand, building on the work of the previous group.

Use this method to:

  • Activate past learning and build collective knowledge.
  • Cross-fertilize knowledge across disciplines and connect experienced people.
  • Explore issues and solve problems.
  • Analyze situations and create comprehensive perspectives.


  • Duration: 1 - 2 hours
  • Difficulty Level: Complex
  • Group Size: < 20
  • Level of interaction: High
  • Multilanguage fit: no
  • Preparation Time: Long
  • Purpose: Knowledge construction
  • Type of Online Events: Webinar

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