Virtual Conference

Gather like-minded individuals and foster building lasting ties

A Virtual Conference is a well and in-advance planned event where individuals who share common niche interests or expertise gather to exchange, discuss, network, learn and interact live. This event can offer multi-track or single-track virtual experiences, and attendees can curate and create their unique journey through the event. Keynotes and breakout sessions are some of the essential elements of a virtual conference. The former aims at all event attendees and sets out the event’s central theme. The latter are sessions specific to a track topic and aim at a limited number of participants.

Use this event to:

  • Share information.
  • Foster connections, create collaborative and long-lasting links.
  • Reach out, interact and engage with a global audience.
  • Congregate an audience with a common interest or background.
  • Learn about and discuss issues, and ideas and work around a common topic.


  • A series of workshops including expert inputs and collaborative tasks providing as interactive learning environment as a face-to-face training.
  • Single topic workshop to train members, representatives, and employees on specific skills and competences.

You and other collaborators

  • Keynote and guest speakerspanellists: are engaging and relevant to the topic, incorporate interactive elements in their sessions, and support the overall theme for the event.
  • Sponsors: help to fund the event.
  • Moderators: support to direct conversations, and keep participants engaged and motivated during sessions and breakout sessions.
  • Communication staff: for content strategy, content creation, and marketing and communications, video content creation, among others.
  • IT staff (if hosting yourself): facilitates, manages the technology and records sessions.
  • Project managers (if partially or not hosting at all): work hand in hand with the project managers of the platform provider.


Design a few ¨backup plan¨ activities and prepare for a certain flexibility in your schedule, in case any of speakers´ connection fails. Provide real-time support for initial connection when the audience joins the online conference space. Setup a side communication channel with all team members and speakers involved in the event to ensure fast adjustments in programme in case of need.

Questions to get started

  1. What are the topic and the goals of your web conference?
  2. Who is the target audience of the event?
  3. Who are the potential key, guest speakers, and panelists?
  4. Will you offer a multi-track or a single-track experience?
  5. Can you host the event?
  6. What platforms (or platform providers) are suitable for the size of your event and within your budget?
  7. How long will the conference last?
  8. What is the content and marketing strategy for the event?
  9. How will you keep participants engaged before and during the event?
  10. How will you follow up with participants after the event?
  11. How will you measure the success of the event?