Design and deliver effective
online events

The Digital Facilitation Toolkit has been created with two purposes: to support the delivery of online capacity-building strategies and to shed light on the different dimensions playing a role when facilitating online.

About the toolkit

The Digital Facilitation Toolkit is brought to you by ITCILO, ETUI, and IIEP-UNESCO. In today’s dynamic training environment, staying ahead requires mastering the art of online facilitation. Our expert teams have pooled their knowledge and experience to create a cutting-edge toolkit that brings clarity to the diverse dimensions of online facilitation.

“People need other people to learn, whether the learning is happening in a face-to-face, online, blended or hybrid setting.”

Alessia Messuti, ITCILO Programme Officer

Library of Digital Facilitation methods

In this library, you will find a rich list of online facilitation methods to support you throughout different stages of your capacity-building session. Each method is described through detailed instructions and can be downloaded in PDF format

Library of online events

In this library, you will find a list of different technology-enhanced events and format that can support your capacity-building initiatives. Each event is described through detailed list of characteristics and questions you should ask in order to get started.

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    Virtual Fairs

    Connect, interact and network through a user-friendly, visually captivating

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    Virtual Conference

    Gather like-minded individuals and foster building lasting ties

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    Learn, train, and participate in interactive and collaborative workspaces


Hear from the leading voices of Digital Facilitation!

Behind the screens

We asked facilitators and capacity building professionals to share their stories about online facilitation and learning.
Watch their tips now.

Don’t just adapt-thrive in the world of digital facilitation.